Information for New Volunteers
Thank you for your interest in becoming a volunteer with Community Fruit Rescue! We look forward to meeting you. By volunteering with Community Fruit Rescue, you are agreeing to the Terms of Participation. Here is other helpful information.
First, registration
Everyone who attends a harvest must first be registered as a volunteer. Once you are registered, you are eligible to sign up for harvests, and you don't have to register again.
You can go to the Volunteer page to renew your registration if any of your contact information changes.
Find out about harvests
Harvests that are available for signup by registered volunteers are found on our Harvests page.
Often, we find out about crop donations on very short notice, so check the Harvests page regularly.
Sign up for a Harvest
Open harvests are posted on the Harvests page. To sign up, click on the harvest link in the calendar, review the information about that harvest that appears under the calendar, click the sign up button, and then type in your name on the signup page. You must type it exactly as you did when you first registered, so we can match your record in our database.
You must read and check off the Release Agreement to be added to the roster. Then click on the button that says 'Signup for this harvest.'
Please cancel if you can't make it!
If your schedule changes, please cancel so someone else can take your spot. The email you receive when you sign up will include a link where you can cancel. Your courtesy will also help us schedule the right number of volunteers for the available produce.
When you arrive
When you arrive, look for the sandwich board sign that will point you in the right direction. When everyone has arrived, We'll provide a brief orientation with helpful tips, information about the property and how to harvest.
What should I bring to the harvest?
Bring water to drink, and please take care of any bathroom needs before arriving. At some harvest sites, a restroom may be available, but not always. Also bring with you a bag, box or container to take home your portion of the fruit!
What should I wear?
Come prepared for the weather! Sunscreen and a hat are useful on sunny days and raincoats are helpful if a rain shower comes through.
Who should I contact if I have other questions?
Please check out the Contact us and FAQ pages. We are always happy to help.
Those are the basics. We hope to see you soon at one of the harvests.
First, registration
Everyone who attends a harvest must first be registered as a volunteer. Once you are registered, you are eligible to sign up for harvests, and you don't have to register again.
You can go to the Volunteer page to renew your registration if any of your contact information changes.
Find out about harvests
Harvests that are available for signup by registered volunteers are found on our Harvests page.
Often, we find out about crop donations on very short notice, so check the Harvests page regularly.
Sign up for a Harvest
Open harvests are posted on the Harvests page. To sign up, click on the harvest link in the calendar, review the information about that harvest that appears under the calendar, click the sign up button, and then type in your name on the signup page. You must type it exactly as you did when you first registered, so we can match your record in our database.
You must read and check off the Release Agreement to be added to the roster. Then click on the button that says 'Signup for this harvest.'
Please cancel if you can't make it!
If your schedule changes, please cancel so someone else can take your spot. The email you receive when you sign up will include a link where you can cancel. Your courtesy will also help us schedule the right number of volunteers for the available produce.
When you arrive
When you arrive, look for the sandwich board sign that will point you in the right direction. When everyone has arrived, We'll provide a brief orientation with helpful tips, information about the property and how to harvest.
What should I bring to the harvest?
Bring water to drink, and please take care of any bathroom needs before arriving. At some harvest sites, a restroom may be available, but not always. Also bring with you a bag, box or container to take home your portion of the fruit!
What should I wear?
Come prepared for the weather! Sunscreen and a hat are useful on sunny days and raincoats are helpful if a rain shower comes through.
Who should I contact if I have other questions?
Please check out the Contact us and FAQ pages. We are always happy to help.
Those are the basics. We hope to see you soon at one of the harvests.