Terms of Participation
By registering as a volunteer with Community Fruit Rescue and attending events that we sponsor, you are agreeing to the following terms of participation:
- The mission of Community Fruit Rescue is to reduce hunger, build community and promote sustainable living. I will conduct myself in a manner consistent with that mission while attending Community Fruit Rescue sponsored events.
- I will cancel my roster spot if, after signing up for a harvest, I find that I am unable to attend.
- I will be punctual in arriving at harvests. Instructions are given by the harvest leader when the harvest is scheduled to start. Harvests typically last just an hour and a half
- I will not smoke at harvests.
- I will not bring alcohol to harvests.
- I will not bring glass containers to harvests.
- I understand that harvests are conducted on private property that the owner has granted Community Fruit Rescue permission to enter and harvest. I will conduct myself in a manner that is respectful of the owner's property at all times.
- I will be respectful of other participants at harvests.
- I will listen to, and follow the rules of, the orientation about the harvest given by the harvest leader.
- I will follow all directions given to me by the harvest leader or designated assistants.